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  • Hormonal Health

Balancing Hormones in Younger Women

February 27, 2019


What do premenstrual syndrome (PMS), polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and many cases of infertility have in common? As Dr. Pamela W. Smith states on these conditions, "It's all about hormone balance. Balance is the key."

Estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol, thyroid, melatonin—in fact, all the body's hormones are interconnected in a delicately balanced dance. For many menstruating women, however, this dance can sometimes lose its rhythm, resulting in the altered production of one hormone, leading to the altered production of another, and perhaps another...

These hormone imbalances can be the root cause of a wide-array of symptoms, seemingly unconnected, which often makes diagnosis of the underlying problem a frustrating experience for the patient and the healthcare provider.

Dr. Smith has found that three of the most common conditions related to imbalanced hormones are PMS, PCOS, and infertility:

  • PMS - the great masquerader-frequently misdiagnosed as a psychological problem and causing symptoms as diverse as acne, asthma, backache, bleeding gums, clumsiness, confusion, cravings, cramps, dizziness, migraines, mood swings, poor judgment, visual changes, tingling, or tremors
  • PCOS - affecting nearly 10% of women in America and accounting for 85% of women with androgen excess and increased growth of facial and body hair; produces infertility in 75% of obese women who have PCOS, and can be associated with increased risk for diabetes, lipid abnormalities, and cardiovascular disease
  • The value of salivary hormone testing - how testing hormone levels over a 28-day cycle yields vital clinical clues to a women's individual "hormone dance" and provides guidelines for the development of personalized treatments
  • Effective natural therapies - that can produce profound effects on hormonal balance including dietary composition and timing, nutrients and botanicals that can help (or harm), and lifestyle interventions to minimize toxic exposure and reduce stress

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