Genova Diagnostics
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  • Hormonal Health

Breast Health

Where to Start with Estrogen Dominance and Estrogen Metabolites

May 14, 2024


Join Dr. Dan Kalish in partnership with Genova Diagnostics for this free webinar focusing on breast health and assessment of estrogen dominance and estrogen metabolism problems. Testing for a woman's estrogen metabolism pathways sheds insight into risk factors for breast health problems. It also can reveal the underlying causes for estrogen dominance symptoms ranging from migraine headaches to depression or anxiety. We will look at the lab markers that show how estrogen is being broken down in the body and what you can do to rebalance problems should they be present. We will also examine GI health and how the microbiome plays a role in creating estrogen imbalances. By understanding the markers reflecting how the liver breaks down estrogen and how the GI tract helps clear estrogen, we can design impactful programs.

Learning Objectives
  • Learn how to interpret estrogen metabolite markers that increase the risk of breast health problems.
  • Understand how the microbiome can play a role in estrogen dominance symptoms through analyzing GI markers.
  • See how to correct liver detoxification and methylation defects that lead to hormone symptoms.H. Pylori: From heartburn to reflux, upper GI health uncovered.